Results for 'A. I. Gel'man'

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  1. Demokratizacija, Strukturnyj Pljuralism i Neustojčivyj Bicentrizm: Volgogradskaja Oblast'.Vladimir Gel’man - 2000 - Polis 2:111-132.
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  2. Institutsional'noe stroitel'stvo i neformal'nye instituty v sovremennoi rossiiskoi politike.Vladimir Gel'man - 2003 - Polis 4.
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  3. Soobŝestvo èlit i predely demokratizacii: Nižegorodskaâ oblast'(la communauté des élites et les limites de la démocratisation: la région de Nižni-Novgorod).Vladimir Gel’man - 1999 - Polis 1:79-97.
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  4. Regional'naya vlast'v sovremennoy Rossii: Instituty, rezhimy, i praktiki (Regional power in contemporary Russia: Institutions, regimes, practices).Vladimir Gel’man - 1998 - Polis 1:90-105.
  5. Politicheskaya oppozitsiya v Rossii: vymirayushchiy vid?(Political opposition in Russia: A dying breed?).Vladimir Gel’man - 2004 - Polis 4:52-69.
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  6. In God We Trust. Or Why This Argument for Causal Finitism Should Not Convince Theists.Enric F. Gel - forthcoming - Faith and Philosophy.
    Causal finitism claims nothing can have an infinite causal history. An influential defense of this position uses infinity paradoxes to argue that, if causal finitism is false, several impossible scenarios would be possible. In this paper, I defend that theists should not be persuaded by this argument. If true, this is an important development, since causal finitism is often argued for by theists as a core premise in Kalam-style cosmological arguments for theism. I extend the same analysis to an argument (...)
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    Negro sobre Blanco. En defensa de las Cinco Vías tomistas.Enric Fernández Gel - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8 (1).
    Resumen: Analizo y critico las principales objeciones que Carlos Blanco plantea, en Las fronteras del pensamiento, contra las 5 vías de Tomás de Aquino. Mi objetivo es mostrar que dichas objeciones fallan, lo cual nos va a permitir traer, a la literatura en español, ciertas discusiones del mundo filosófico anglosajón. Palabras clave: 5 vías, Tomás de Aquino, Tomismo, Existencia de Dios, Filosofía de la religión Abstract: I analyze and critique Carlos Blanco’s main objections against Aquinas’s 5 ways, to be found (...)
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  8. The Millerian Cosmological Argument: Arguing to God without the PSR.Patrick Flynn & Enric Gel - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
    We present and defend a Thomistic cosmological argument that runs independently of the principle of sufficient reason, sidestepping perhaps two of the most recurrent objections to cosmological reasoning: (a) the possibility of brute facts (i.e., that not everything needs an adequate explanation of its existence) and (b) the accusation of the composition fallacy. Drawing upon the work of Barry Miller, we show that any contingent entity like Thumper the rabbit, upon metaphysical analysis, is either a contradictory structure and therefore an (...)
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    'There can be only one.' A Response to Joseph C. Schmid.Enric F. Gel - 2023 - Religious Studies 59:836-851.
    Recently, in response to an article of mine, Joseph C. Schmid has argued that some traditional theistic arguments for God’s unicity are problematic in that they presuppose a controversial principle and conflict with Trinitarian theology. In this article, I answer Schmid’s concerns. I defend one of the original arguments while advancing new ones, and I vindicate my abductive argument for theism over naturalism.
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  10. Iz ognya da v polymya?(Dinamika postsovetskikh rezhimov v sravnitel'noi perspektive'.Vladimir Gel'man - 2007 - Polis 2:81-108.
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  11. Uroki ukrainskogo.Vladimir Gel’man - 2005 - Polis 1:36-49.
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  12. Vozvrashenie Leviafana? Politika Recentralizatsii v Sovremennoi Rossii.Vladimir Gel’man - 2006 - Polis 2:90-109.
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    A Problem with Feser’s Defense of the Intellectus Essentiae Argument.Enric F. Gel - 2022 - Espíritu 71 (163):197-204.
    I critically analyze Edward Feser's rendition of Aquinas's intellectus essentiae argument for the real distinction between essence and esse.
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    How many and why? A question for Graham Oppy that classical theism can answer.Enric F. Gel - 2022 - Religious Studies 58:846-856.
    I argue that classical theism has a significant advantage as a theory of the First Cause over Graham Oppy’s naturalistic account. This is because classical theism not only gives us a clear answer to the question of how many first causes there are but also because it explains why there is that number and not another. In comparison, Oppy’s ‘initial physical state’ account seemingly leaves these questions hopelessly open, and so does his ‘metaphysical simples’ proposal for a foundational layer of (...)
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  15. Sfabrikovannoe bol'shinstvo: konversiya golosov v mesta na dumskikh vyborakh.Grigorii Golosov & V. Gel'man - 2005 - Polis 1:108-119.
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  16. Akhlāq-i Manṣūrī.Dashtakī Shīrāzī & Ghiyāth al-Dīn Manṣūr - 2007 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Intishārāt-i Amīr Kabīr. Edited by ʻAlī Muḥammad Pushtʹdār.
    Criticism and interpretation of Akhlāq-i Jalālī, a work of Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawwānī, 1426 or 7-1512 or 13, on Islamic ethics.
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    An Interview with Paul de Man.Stephano Rosso & Paul de Man - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):788-795.
    Rosso: Can you say something more about the differences between your work and Derrida’s?De Man: I’m not really the right person to ask where the difference is, because, as I feel in many respects close to Derrida, I don’t determine whether my work resembles or is different from of Derrida. My initial engagement with Derrida—which I think is typical and important for all that relationship which followed closely upon my first encounter with him in Baltimore at the colloquium on “The (...)
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    Permissible preference purification: on context-dependent choices and decisive welfare judgements in behavioural welfare economics.Måns Abrahamson - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 31 (1):17-35.
    Behavioural welfare economics has lately been challenged on account of its use of the satisfaction of true preferences as a normative criterion. The critique contests what is taken to be an implicit assumption in the literature, namely that true preferences are context-independent. This assumption is considered not only unjustified in the behavioural welfare economics literature but unjustifiable – true preferences are argued to be, at least sometimes, context-dependent. This article explores the implications of this ‘critique of the inner rational agent’. (...)
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  19. Biological function, selection, and reduction.Richard N. Manning - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (1):69-82.
    It is widely assumed that selection history accounts of function can support a fully reductive naturalization of functional properties. I argue that this assumption is false. A problem with the alternative causal role account of function in this context is that it invokes the teleological notion of a goal in analysing real function. The selection history account, if it is to have reductive status, must not do the same. But attention to certain cases of selection history in biology, specifically those (...)
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  20. No Identity Without an Entity.Luke Manning - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (1):279-305.
    Peter Geach's puzzle of intentional identity is to explain how the claim ‘Hob thinks a witch has blighted Bob's mare, and Nob wonders whether she killed Cob's sow’ is compatible with there being no such witch. I clarify the puzzle and reduce it to the familiar problem of negative existentials. That problem is a paradox of representations that seem to include denials of commitment , to carry commitment to what they deny commitment to, and to be true. The best proposed (...)
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  21.  61
    Descartes and the Bologna affair.Gideon Manning - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (1):1-13.
    Descartes is well known as a mathematician and natural philosopher. However, none of Descartes's biographers has described the invitation he received in 1633 to fill a chair in theoretical medicine at the University of Bologna, or the fact that he was already sufficiently known and respected for his medical knowledge that the invitation came four years before his first publication. In this note I authenticate and contextualize this event, which I refer to as the ‘Bologna affair’. I transcribe the letter (...)
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  22.  91
    Real Representation of Fictional Objects.Luke Manning - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (1):13-24.
    ABSTRACTAssuming there are fictional objects, what sorts of properties do they have? Intuitively, most of their properties involve being represented—appearing in works of fiction, being depicted as clever, being portrayed by actors, being admired or feared, and so on. But several philosophers, including Saul Kripke, Peter van Inwagen, Kendall Walton, and Amie Thomasson, argue that even if there are fictional objects, they are not really represented in some or all of these cases. I reconstruct four kinds of arguments for this (...)
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  23.  69
    Descartes’s Metaphysical Biology.Gideon Manning - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (2):209-239.
    In the past decade, several Descartes scholars have gone on record claiming that, for biological purposes, Descartes likely accepts the practical scientific necessity of the existence of “physical natures,” even while his official substance-mode ontology and his characterization of matter in terms of extension do not license the existence of physical natures. In this article, I elaborate on the historical context of Descartes’s biology, the “practical scientific necessity” just mentioned, and argue, contrary to other interpretations, that Descartes does offer a (...)
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  24.  17
    Romance Complex Predicates: In defence of the right-branching structure.Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    Abeill´e and Godard (1994) seek to show that the rightward branching analysis of French tense auxiliaries shown in (1b), that I argued for in Manning (1992) and which is widely adopted in general, is wrong, and that rather we should adopt a flat analysis for this construction as shown in (1c), and they show how such an analysis can be realized within HPSG (Pollard and Sag 1994).
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  25. Un siglo de darwinismo: un ensayo sobre la historia del pensamiento biológico en el Uruguay.Fernando Mañé Garzón - 1990 - Montevideo: Facultad de Medicina, Sección Historia de la Medicina.
    Extensa exposición de la recepción del darwinismo en el Uruguay, que llega hasta la actualidad. Salvo en épocas más recientes, las reacciones, en favor o en contra, fueron de índole ideológica más que científica, especialmente a partir del concocimiento de The descent of man. Las polémicas entre católicos y 'evolucionistas' tienen, según el autor, su punto candente entre 1871-90. Le siguió un período de mayor apaciguamiento, en que la cuestión se consideró en función de los desarrollos de la ciencia biológica. (...)
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  26. Corporate responsibility and corporate personhood.Rita C. Manning - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (1):77 - 84.
    In this paper, I consider the claim that a corporation cannot be held to be morally responsible unless it is a person. First, I argue that this claim is ambigious. Person flags three different but related notions: metaphysical person, moral agent, moral person. I argue that, though one can make the claim that corporates are metaphysical persons, this claim is only marginally relevant to the question of corporate moral responsibility. The central question which must be answered in discussions of corporate (...)
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  27. What is conversation theory?Thomas Manning - 2023 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 30 (1-2):45-63.
    The purpose of the following text is to give readers a general introduction to Gordon Pask’s conversation theory, which is considered here to be a cybernetic and epistemological account of concept-forming and concept-sharing through conversational discourse and practice. While Pask devoted three lengthy tomes to articulate the theory and its applications, I believe it is necessary to give readers who are interested in conversation theory a general introduction to what I believe are the key features of his work in this (...)
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    Air pollution: Group and individual obligations.Rita C. Manning - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (3):211-225.
    The individual motorist often defends his unwillingness to change his driving habits in the face of air pollution by pointing out that a change in his actions would be insignificant. The environmentalist responds by asking what would happen if everyone did change. In this paper I defend the environmentalist’s response. I argue that we can appeal to the following principle to defend both group and individual obligations to clean up air: if the consequences of everyone doing aare undesirable, then each (...)
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  29.  85
    Naturalism and Un‐Naturalism Among the Cartesian Physicians1.Gideon Manning - 2008 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 51 (5):441 – 463.
    Highlighting early modern medicine's program of explanation and intervention, I claim that there are two distinctive features of the physician's naturalism. These are, first, an explicit recognition that each patient had her own individual and highly particularized nature and, second, a self-conscious use of normative descriptions when characterizing a patient's nature as healthy (ordered) or unhealthy (disordered). I go on to maintain that in spite of the well documented Cartesian rejection of Aristotelian natures in favor of laws of nature, Descartes (...)
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  30.  49
    Revisiting the Scientific Nature of Multiverse Theories.Man Ho Chan - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (1):137-151.
    Some scientists or philosophers argue that multiverse theories are unfalsifiable and thus not scientific. However, some advocates of multiverse theories have recently argued that although the multiverse is not observable, multiverse theories are indeed falsifiable in principle. Therefore, they share similar features with a conventional scientific theory. On the other hand, the proposals of an epistemic shift and nonempirical theory assessment have possibly revived the discussions of the scientific nature of multiverse theories. In this article, I revisit the falsifiable arguments (...)
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    Analogy and falsification in Descartes’ physics.Gideon Manning - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (2):402-411.
    In this paper I address Descartes’ use of analogy in physics. First, I introduce Descartes’ hypothetical reasoning, distinguishing between analogy and hypothesis. Second, I examine in detail Descartes’ use of analogy to both discover causes and add plausibility to his hypotheses—even though not always explicitly stated, Descartes’ practice assumes a unified view of the subject matter of physics as the extension of bodies in terms of their size, shape and the motion of their parts. Third, I present Descartes’ unique “philosophy (...)
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    Chinese Cultural Taboos That Affect Their Language & Behavior Choices.Man-Ping Chu - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (2):P122.
    Every culture has its own taboos. Communication works better when the participants share more assumptions and knowledge about each other (Scollon & Scollon, 2000). However, in many cases, participants realize the existence of the rules associated with taboos only after they have violated them. Those who do not observe these social “rules” might face serious results, such as total embarrassment or, as Saville-Troike (1989) puts it, they may be accused of immorality and face social ostracism. This paper reports that certain (...)
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    Diploidy and Muller's ratchet.J. T. Manning - 1983 - Acta Biotheoretica 32 (4):289-292.
    Under the influence of deleterious mutation and selection a population will reach equilibrium and contain individuals with [0, 1, 2 - - mutations.] This deterministic equilibrium distribution is exactly the same for asexual and sexual populations. The size of the optimal class , i.e. the class with the smallest number of mutations, is determined by the genome mutation rate and the average selective disadvantage of the mutations. A large U and small s gives a very small n o. If n (...)
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  34.  15
    Parse Selection on the Redwoods Corpus: 3rd Growth Results.Christopher D. Manning & Kristina Toutanova - unknown
    This report details experimental results of using stochastic disambiguation models for parsing sentences from the Redwoods treebank (Oepen et al., 2002). The goals of this paper are two-fold: (i) to report accuracy results on the more highly ambiguous latest version of the treebank, as compared to already published results achieved by the same stochastic models on a previous version of the corpus, and (ii) to present some newly developed models using features from the HPSG signs, as well as the MRS (...)
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    Rationalism in the Philosophy of Donald Davidson.Richard N. Manning - 2005 - In Alan Jean Nelson, A Companion to Rationalism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 468–487.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Rationalism and the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction A priori Principles I: Davidson on Causation and the Mental Constitutive Principles and Classical Rationalism Classical Rationalism or Kantian Transcendentalism? The Refutation of (Transcendental) Idealism Rationalism Full‐Blown.
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  36.  43
    Reflections on Davidsonian Semantic Publicity.Richard N. Manning - 2017 - ProtoSociology 34:73-97.
    The topic of the present essay is the proper understanding of Donald Davidson’s version of the publicity requirement for the determinants of linguistic meaning. On the understanding I promote, the requirement is very strict indeed. My narrow aim is to show how such a strict conception of the publicity requirement can be maintained despite the evident need for interpreters to go beyond what is public on that conception in the process of constructing Davidsonian theories of meaning. Towards that aim, I (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Paul Tillich.Russell Re Manning (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The complex philosophical theology of Paul Tillich, increasingly studied today, was influenced by thinkers as diverse as the Romantics and Existentialists, Hegel and Heidegger. A Lutheran pastor who served as a military chaplain in World War I, he was dismissed from his university post at Frankfurt when the Nazis came to power in 1933, and emigrated to the United States, where he continued his distinguished career. This authoritative Companion provides accessible accounts of the major themes of Tillich's diverse theological writings (...)
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  38. Rousseau's Other Woman: Collette in "Le devin du Village".Rita C. Manning - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (2):27 - 42.
    The life and work of Rousseau the musician and aesthetician has been largely neglected in the debate about Rousseau's views on women. In this paper, I shall introduce a new text and a new female figure into the conversation: Collette, the shepherdess in Le devin du village, an opera written by Rousseau in 1752. We see an ambiguity in Collette-the text often expresses one view while the music expresses another. When we take Collette's music seriously the following picture emerges: the (...)
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    Modelling biological gel contraction by cells: Mechanocellular formulation and cell traction force quantification.I. Ferrenq, L. Tranqui, B. Vailhé, P. Y. Gumery & P. Tracqui - 1997 - Acta Biotheoretica 45 (3-4):267-293.
    Traction forces developed by most cell types play a significant role in the spatial organisation of biological tissues. However, due to the complexity of cell-extracellular matrix interactions, these forces are quantitatively difficult to estimate without explicitly considering cell properties and extracellular mechanical matrix responses. Recent experimental devices elaborated for measuring cell traction on extracellular matrix use cell deposits on a piece of gel placed between one fixed and one moving holder. We formulate here a mathematical model describing the dynamic behaviour (...)
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  40. Classical-like description of quantum dynamics by means of symplectic tomography.Stefano Mancini, Vladimir I. Man'ko & Paolo Tombest - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (6):801-824.
    The dynamical equations of quantum mechanics are rewritten in the form of dynamical equations for the measurable, positive marginal distribution of the shifted, rotated, and squeezed quadrature introduced in the so-called “symplectic tomography”. Then the possibility of a purely classical description of a quantum system as well as a reinterpretation of the quantum measurement theory is discussed and a comparison with the well-known quasi-probabilities approach is given. Furthermore, an analysis of the properties of this marginal distribution, which contains all the (...)
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  41.  29
    Changes in View.Richard Manning - 2013 - ProtoSociology 30:124-151.
    In this paper, I assume that a satisfactory account of our thinking requires a conception of perceptual experience on which it provides reasons for judgment, and also that the Myth of the Given—the myth of episodes whose contents can provide reasons without the involve­ment of concepts—must be avoided. From these assumptions it follows that the content of perceptual experience must be conceived as concept-involving. The question I address is whether, given that it involves concepts, the content of perceptual experience is (...)
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  42. Care, Normativity and the Law.Rita Manning - 2015 - In Daniel Engster & Maurice Hamington, Care Ethics and Political Theory. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 127-145.
    Care ethics can provide a valuable conceptual and normative resource for many issues in law, but given the conservative nature of law in general, much work needs to be done before care ethics can explicitly play such a role. In this paper I survey the landscape of law, discuss two attempts to incorporate care ethics into the normative framework of law, and suggest other avenues for incorporating care ethics in law and legal reasoning.
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    Presents embedded under pasts.Christopher Manning - manuscript
    In this paper I will discuss a rather recondite phenomenon in the area of sequence of tense (SOT), exhibited by sentences like (1): (1) John said that Mary is pregnant. According to traditional grammar, this is a sentence where sequence of tense has failed to apply (i.e., concord has been broken): standard sequence of tense rules would dictate use of a past tense when embedding an event contemporaneous to the embedding verb under a past tense verb, giving the sentence John (...)
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    Romance is so complex.Christopher Manning - manuscript
    In this paper I want to look at what the evidence from Complex Predicates can tell us about the design parameters of an empirically adequate theory of Universal Grammar (UG). This is a fertile field for investigation because, according to the standard assumptions of the field, complex predicates are monoclausal with respect to some properties and multiclausal with respect to others and this tension can only be resolved by giving up some cherished beliefs. After introducing the problem in Section 1, (...)
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    Ergativity: Argument Structure and Grammatical Relations.Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    I wish to present a codi cation of syntactic approaches to dealing with ergative languages and argue for the correctness of one particular approach, which I will call the Inverse Grammatical Relations hypothesis.1 I presume familiarity with the term `ergativity', but, brie y, many languages have ergative case marking, such as Burushaski in (1), in contrast to the accusative case marking of Latin in (2). More generally, if we follow Dixon (1979) and use A to mark the agent-like argument of (...)
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  46. Sellarsian Behaviorism, Davidsonian Interpretivism, and First Person Authority. [REVIEW]Richard N. Manning - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (2):1-24.
    Roughly, behaviorist accounts of self-knowledge hold that first persons acquire knowledge of their own minds in just the same way other persons do: by means of behavioral evidence. One obvious problem for such accounts is that the fail to explain the great asymmetry between the authority of first person as opposed to other person attributions of thoughts and other mental states and events. Another is that the means of acquisition seems so different: other persons must infer my mental contents from (...)
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  47.  73
    Part-of-Speech Tagging from 97% to 100%: Is It Time for Some Linguistics?Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    I examine what would be necessary to move part-of-speech tagging performance from its current level of about 97.3% token accuracy (56% sentence accuracy) to close to 100% accuracy. I suggest that it must still be possible to greatly increase tagging performance and examine some useful improvements that have recently been made to the Stanford Part-of-Speech Tagger. However, an error analysis of some of the remaining errors suggests that there is limited further mileage to be had either from better machine learning (...)
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    Aksiomatika prirody i zakony realizma: novye osnovanii︠a︡ nauki.M. S. Ėĭdelʹman - 2005 - Sankt-Peterburg: NU "Zhurnal AP".
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    All Facts Great and Small.Richard N. Manning - 1998 - ProtoSociology 11:18-40.
    I examine the arguments Donald Davidson has offered through the years concerning the ontological bona fides of facts. In “Truth and Meaning”, Davidson uses the so-called “slingshot” argument to the effect that if true sentences refer, then they are all coreferential. Through a detailed examination of the assumptions underlying this argument, I show that, while it is effective as part of a reductio of bottom-up, reference based semantics, it has no tendency to establish the truth of its negative conclusion concerning (...)
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    Reply to Sartorelli on Pretense and Representing Fictional Objects.Luke Manning - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73 (2):193-196.
    I defend and clarify my arguments in "Real Representation of Fictional Objects" in response to criticisms from Joseph Sartorelli. In particular, I clarify why Kripke's notion of "levels of language" and a pragmatic principle suggested by van Inwagen do not support the view that works of fiction generate fictional objects but do not represent them.
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